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Client Endpoints

These endpoints allow acting as your OAuth 2.0 client. They require authentication with an active client token. They should only ever be called from a backend.


As these endpoints don't need a user token they are considered "offline", so they can't be used to view connections that don't have the offline_access scope, or send messages to those users.


When a user approves a OAuth 2.0 request from a client, a connection between the user and client is established.

The connection records the user's alias ID generated for their connection with the client, the scopes they granted, any communication channels they granted, and the nickname they provided (if relevant).

The connection is updated when the user approves more permissions in subsequent auth requests, or revokes permissions from the Alias UI. A user can also revoke a connection entirely if they desire.


There is a slight delay between a user granting permissions and the connection being created/updated in these endpoints. Don't rely on changes being present immediately after an auth request.


List connections between users and the client. Only connections with the offline_access scope are returned. A number of querystring options are provided to filter results.


Scope Required
client:connections Yes

Querystring Options

Option Type Default Description
alias_id [string] Filter by user alias ID.
scope [string] Filter by granted scopes.
channel [string] Filter by granted channels.
created_from date-time Filter to connections created on/after a date-time. T00:00:00Z is appended if only a date is provided.
created_to date-time Filter to connections created on/before a date-time. T23:59:59Z is appended if only a date is provided.
updated_from date-time Filter to connections updated on/after a date-time. T00:00:00Z is appended if only a date is provided.
updated_to date-time Filter to connections updated on/before a date-time. T23:59:59Z is appended if only a date is provided.
sort [string] -created,-id Set result sort order. Supports sorting by id, created, updated. Prefix - to sort descending.
offset integer 0 The offset of the first result to return in this page of results.
limit integer 10 The number of results to return in this page.
timeout integer 30 Max time to spend performing the request, in seconds.

Response Body

Field Type Description
connections [object] An array of connections.
connections[].client_id string The ID for the client.
connections[].alias_id string The alias ID for the connection user.
connections[].scopes [string] The scopes the user has granted the client.
connections[].channels [string] The communication channels the user has granted the client. null if the token doesn't have the contact scope.
connections[].nickname string The nickname the user provided. null if the token doesn't have the nickname scope.
connections[].create_dt date-time When the connection between the client and user was first created.
connections[].update_dt date-time When the connection between the client and user was last updated.
paging object Result paging information. integer The total number of results for this search.
paging.more boolean Whether there are more pages of results. integer The offset of the next page of results. null if no more pages.


Example Request

GET /api/client/connections?channel=notifications&created_from=2020-01-19T10:00:00Z HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <access-token>
curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>"
import requests
r = requests.get('',
                 headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer <access-token>'},
                 params={'channel': 'notifications',
                         'created_from': '2020-01-19T10:00:00Z'})

Example Response

    "connections": [
            "client_id": "bjOB6HV7cTKtxvfr2k2ucg",
            "alias_id": "epGEcGfc6LQMmKTqffWW2g",
            "scopes": ["openid", "offline_access", "contact", "nickname"],
            "channels": ["_meta", "notifications", "product_updates"],
            "nickname": "Fred",
            "create_dt": "2020-01-19T10:30:00+00:00",
            "update_dt": "2020-06-30T12:15:30+00:00"
    "paging": {
        "total": 1,
        "more": false,
        "next": null



Fetch a user's connection with the client. Only connections with the offline_access scope are available.


Scope Required
client:connections Yes

Querystring Options

Option Type Default Description
timeout integer 30 Max time to spend performing the request, in seconds.

Response Body

Field Type Description
client_id string The ID for the client.
alias_id string The alias ID for the connection user.
scopes [string] The scopes the user has granted the client.
channels [string] The communication channels the user has granted the client. null if the token doesn't have the contact scope.
nickname string The nickname the user provided. null if the token doesn't have the nickname scope.
create_dt date-time When the connection between the client and user was first created.
update_dt date-time When the connection between the client and user was last updated.


Example Request

GET /api/client/connections/epGEcGfc6LQMmKTqffWW2g HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <access-token>
curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>"
import requests
r = requests.get('',
                 headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer <access-token>'})

Example Response

    "client_id": "bjOB6HV7cTKtxvfr2k2ucg",
    "alias_id": "epGEcGfc6LQMmKTqffWW2g",
    "scopes": ["openid", "offline_access", "contact", "nickname"],
    "channels": ["_meta", "notifications", "product_updates"],
    "nickname": "Fred",
    "create_dt": "2020-01-19T10:30:00+00:00",
    "update_dt": "2020-06-30T12:15:30+00:00"

Send Message


Send a message to a user, or all users subscribed to a channel. Can only send to users that have granted the offline_access scope.

An outbound message is created, along with a delivery record for each recipient. The outbound message shows the overall sending process, and the individual delivery records can be checked to determine which recipients the message has been successfully delivered to.


Scope Required
client:send Yes

Request Body

Field Type Required Description
version string Yes The version of the message schema being used. v0 is the only version currently supported.
outbound_message_id string No The ID for this outbound message. Will be generated if not provided. 10-30 characters (inclusive). Must match ^[0-9a-zA-Z-_]+$.
channel string Yes The communication channel to send the message on. The token must include this channel.
to string Yes The alias ID for the user to send the message to. Use * to send to all users currently subscribed to the channel.
title string Yes The message title. 5-100 characters (inclusive).
body string No The message body. 5-500 characters (inclusive).
link object No Details of the message link.
link.uri string Yes The message link URI.
link.text string No Custom link text to display. 1-50 characters (inclusive).

Response Body

Field Type Description
outbound_message_id string The ID for the created outbound message.


Example Request

POST /api/client/send HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <access-token>
Content-Type: application/json

    "version": "v0",
    "outbound_message_id": "LzIX47-iIDVpNmnbXqCYXg",
    "channel": "notifications",
    "to": "epGEcGfc6LQMmKTqffWW2g",
    "title": "Here is your reminder",
    "body": "You asked to be reminded about this note.",
    "link": {
        "uri": "",
        "text": "Open your note"
curl -XPOST "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
            "version": "v0",
            "outbound_message_id": "LzIX47-iIDVpNmnbXqCYXg",
            "channel": "notifications",
            "to": "epGEcGfc6LQMmKTqffWW2g",
            "title": "Here is your reminder",
            "body": "You asked to be reminded about this note.",
            "link": {
                "uri": "",
                "text": "Open your note"
import requests
r ='',
                  headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer <access-token>'},
                  json={'version': 'v0',
                        'outbound_message_id': 'LzIX47-iIDVpNmnbXqCYXg',
                        'channel': 'notifications',
                        'to': 'epGEcGfc6LQMmKTqffWW2g',
                        'title': 'Here is your reminder',
                        'body': 'You asked to be reminded about this note.',
                        'link': {'uri': '',
                                 'text': 'Open your note'}})

Example Response

    "outbound_message_id": "LzIX47-iIDVpNmnbXqCYXg"

Outbound Messages

When a client sends a message, an outbound message is created. Outbound messages initially have the status of pending. Once delivery records have been created for all recipients, the status is updated to sending. Once all deliveries have completed - successfully or not - the status is updated to sent. The individual delivery records can be checked to determine which recipients the message has been successfully delivered to.



List outbound messages that have been sent by the client. A number of querystring options are provided to filter results.


Scope Required
client:outbound_messages Yes

Querystring Options

Option Type Default Description
channel [string] Filter by message channel.
status [string] Filter by status. Statuses are pending, sending, sent.
created_from date-time Filter to messages created on/after a date-time. T00:00:00Z is appended if only a date is provided.
created_to date-time Filter to messages created on/before a date-time. T23:59:59Z is appended if only a date is provided.
updated_from date-time Filter to messages updated on/after a date-time. T00:00:00Z is appended if only a date is provided.
updated_to date-time Filter to messages updated on/before a date-time. T23:59:59Z is appended if only a date is provided.
sort [string] -created,-id Set result sort order. Supports sorting by id, created, updated. Prefix - to sort descending.
offset integer 0 The offset of the first result to return in this page of results.
limit integer 10 The number of results to return in this page.
timeout integer 30 Max time to spend performing the request, in seconds.

Response Body

Field Type Description
outbound_messages [object] An array of outbound messages.
outbound_messages[].client_id string The ID for the client.
outbound_messages[].outbound_message_id string The ID for the outbound message.
outbound_messages[].channel string The communication channel the message was sent on.
outbound_messages[].recipient_count integer The number of users the message was sent to.
outbound_messages[].delivered_count integer The number of users the message was delivered to.
outbound_messages[].failed_count integer The number of users the message could not be delivered to.
outbound_messages[].status string One of pending, sending, sent.
outbound_messages[].create_dt date-time When the outbound message was first created.
outbound_messages[].update_dt date-time When the outbound message was last updated.
paging object Result paging information. integer The total number of results for this search.
paging.more boolean Whether there are more pages of results. integer The offset of the next page of results. null if no more pages.


Example Request

GET /api/client/outbound-messages?channel=notifications&created_from=2020-01-19T10:30:00Z HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <access-token>
curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>"
import requests
r = requests.get('',
                 headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer <access-token>'},
                 params={'channel': 'notifications',
                         'created_from': '2020-01-19T10:30:00Z'})

Example Response

    "outbound_messages": [
            "client_id": "bjOB6HV7cTKtxvfr2k2ucg",
            "outbound_message_id": "LzIX47-iIDVpNmnbXqCYXg",
            "channel": "notifications",
            "recipient_count": 1,
            "delivered_count": 1,
            "failed_count": 0,
            "status": "sent",
            "create_dt": "2020-06-30T13:30:00+00:00",
            "update_dt": "2020-06-30T13:30:10+00:00"
    "paging": {
        "total": 1,
        "more": false,
        "next": null



Fetch an outbound message that has been sent by the client.


Scope Required
client:outbound_messages Yes

Querystring Options

Option Type Default Description
timeout integer 30 Max time to spend performing the request, in seconds.

Response Body

Field Type Description
client_id string The ID for the client.
outbound_message_id string The ID for the outbound message.
channel string The communication channel the message was sent on.
recipient_count integer The number of users the message was sent to.
delivered_count integer The number of users the message was delivered to.
failed_count integer The number of users the message could not be delivered to.
status string One of pending, sending, sent.
create_dt date-time When the outbound message was first created.
update_dt date-time When the outbound message was last updated.


Example Request

GET /api/client/outbound-messages/LzIX47-iIDVpNmnbXqCYXg HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <access-token>
curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>"
import requests
r = requests.get('',
                 headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer <access-token>'})

Example Response

    "client_id": "bjOB6HV7cTKtxvfr2k2ucg",
    "outbound_message_id": "LzIX47-iIDVpNmnbXqCYXg",
    "channel": "notifications",
    "recipient_count": 1,
    "delivered_count": 1,
    "failed_count": 0,
    "status": "sent",
    "create_dt": "2020-06-30T13:30:00+00:00",
    "update_dt": "2020-06-30T13:30:10+00:00"

Message Deliveries

When a client tries to send a message to a user, a delivery record is created. Delivery records initially have the status of delivering. If the message is delivered successfully, the status is updated to delivered. If the message couldn't be delivered - e.g. because the user has revoked the message's channel - the status is updated to failed.



List delivery records for an outbound message that has been sent by the client. A number of querystring options are provided to filter results.


Scope Required
client:outbound_messages Yes

Querystring Options

Option Type Default Description
alias_id [string] Filter by the alias ID for the recipient user.
status [string] Filter by delivery status. Statuses are delivering, delivered, failed.
created_from date-time Filter to deliveries created on/after a date-time. T00:00:00Z is appended if only a date is provided.
created_to date-time Filter to deliveries created on/before a date-time. T23:59:59Z is appended if only a date is provided.
updated_from date-time Filter to deliveries updated on/after a date-time. T00:00:00Z is appended if only a date is provided.
updated_to date-time Filter to deliveries updated on/before a date-time. T23:59:59Z is appended if only a date is provided.
sort [string] -created,-id Set result sort order. Supports sorting by id, created, updated. Prefix - to sort descending.
offset integer 0 The offset of the first result to return in this page of results.
limit integer 10 The number of results to return in this page.
timeout integer 30 Max time to spend performing the request, in seconds.

Response Body

Field Type Description
deliveries [object] An array of delivery records.
deliveries[].client_id string The ID for the client.
deliveries[].outbound_message_id string The ID for the outbound message.
deliveries[].alias_id string The alias ID for the recipient user.
deliveries[].channel string The communication channel the message was sent on.
deliveries[].status string One of delivering, delivered, failed.
deliveries[].create_dt date-time When the delivery record was first created.
deliveries[].update_dt date-time When the delivery record was last updated.
paging object Result paging information. integer The total number of results for this search.
paging.more boolean Whether there are more pages of results. integer The offset of the next page of results. null if no more pages.


Example Request

GET /api/client/outbound-messages/LzIX47-iIDVpNmnbXqCYXg/deliveries?channel=notifications&created_from=2020-01-19T10:30:00Z HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <access-token>
curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>"
import requests
r = requests.get('',
                 headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer <access-token>'},
                 params={'channel': 'notifications',
                         'created_from': '2020-01-19T10:30:00Z'})

Example Response

    "deliveries": [
            "client_id": "bjOB6HV7cTKtxvfr2k2ucg",
            "outbound_message_id": "LzIX47-iIDVpNmnbXqCYXg",
            "alias_id": "epGEcGfc6LQMmKTqffWW2g",
            "channel": "notifications",
            "status": "delivered",
            "create_dt": "2020-06-30T13:30:00+00:00",
            "update_dt": "2020-06-30T13:30:10+00:00"
    "paging": {
        "total": 1,
        "more": false,
        "next": null



Fetch a delivery record for an outbound message that has been sent by the client to a user.


Scope Required
contact Yes

Querystring Options

Option Type Default Description
timeout integer 30 Max time to spend performing the request, in seconds.

Response Body

Field Type Description
client_id string The ID for the client.
outbound_message_id string The ID for the outbound message.
alias_id string The alias ID for the recipient user.
channel string The communication channel the message was sent on.
status string One of delivering, delivered, failed.
create_dt date-time When the delivery record was first created.
update_dt date-time When the delivery record was last updated.


Example Request

GET /api/client/outbound-messages/LzIX47-iIDVpNmnbXqCYXg/deliveries/epGEcGfc6LQMmKTqffWW2g HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <access-token>
curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>"
import requests
r = requests.get('',
                 headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer <access-token>'})

Example Response

    "client_id": "bjOB6HV7cTKtxvfr2k2ucg",
    "outbound_message_id": "LzIX47-iIDVpNmnbXqCYXg",
    "alias_id": "epGEcGfc6LQMmKTqffWW2g",
    "channel": "notifications",
    "status": "delivered",
    "create_dt": "2020-06-30T13:30:00+00:00",
    "update_dt": "2020-06-30T13:30:10+00:00"